Seriously Addictive Mathematics

Seriously Addictive Mathematics

Seriously Addictive Mathematics

Seriously Addictive Mathematics

Seriously Addictive Mathematics (S.A.M) is a unique mathematics learning and enrichment program with over 200 centres internationally, in 20 countries.

S.A.M is by no means a new program, it was established in Singapore in 2010, however it is unique and brand new in Australia, with the first centres established in 2016.  Singapore Maths is recognised as the most successful national math program in the world since 1995, and we want to bring this opportunity to Australian students.

Is a S.A.M Franchise for YOU?

Are you passionate about educating young minds?

Would you like flexible working hours (part-time or full-time) to suit your lifestyle?

Want the option to choose between a permanent commercial premises or a more personal non-commercial location?

Do you want a rewarding business, not only financially but also personally?

Are you looking for a franchise where you feel like family?

Searching for an exciting new challenge, offering a unique service that will change student’s lives?

Our award-winning curriculum covers 9 years of Maths (students in Kindy to Year 6), based on the world-renowned Singapore Math.  Combining fun classroom learning with meticulously designed self-learning worksheets, we offer a complete learning solution – Suitable for home-schoolers, or as after school enrichment or support program.  Holistic learning ensures an in-depth understanding of mathematical concepts by using the 3-step CPA- Approach (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract), not only focusing on correcting a specific area, as is traditional in tutoring and ROTE learning.

Seeking interest from driven self-starters to join our award-winning franchise group to establish centres across Queensland, South Australia, Northern Territories and Western Australia.  Potential Franchisees are spoilt for choice with a variety of areas still available to locate your ideal premises.

If this sounds like an opportunity that you might be interested in, contact us today for more information.

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